Thursday 8 September 2011

Galliano Guilty

A Parisienne court has today found John Galliano guilty of making anti Semitic and racist comments at a french cafe in February. Although he faced up to 6 months in prison, the 50 year old designer was given two suspended fines totaling €6000 instead.  He did not attend the verdict.

Galliano was charged with two public outbursts in the French capital, the first in October of last year, he verbally abuse 47 year old English teach Faitha Oummedor, calling her a 'fucking ugly, dirty Jewish bastard' .  He then launched a similar assault on museum curator Geraldine Bloch, in the same cafe, calling her a 'dirty whore' and a 'dirty Jewish face'.  The same week as the incident in February Galliano was then filmed on a mobile camera tell two Italian women 'I love Hitler' and that their ancestors should have been gassed.

Whilst he may have escaped a prison sentence, he received punishment in other ways.  Face of Dior's Miss Cherie perfume, Natalie Portman spoke out against Galliano saying “I am deeply shocked and disgusted by the video of John Galliano’s comments that surfaced today. In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr. Galliano in any way. I hope at the very least, these terrible comments remind us to reflect and act upon combating these still-existing prejudices that are the opposite of all that is beautiful,” He was later sacked from French fashion giant Christian Dior, a brand that he was credited with the ' revitalization of'.  

Galliano claimed the misuse of Valium, Alcohol and Anti - Depressants after the death of a close friend was to blame for his actions.