Sunday 31 July 2011

Ben's Bieberness Explained

As a totally 'non belieber' (seriously I don't think there is anyone out there who likes the mushroom cap worse than I) I've been shocked as the Bieber Fever continues on an epic scale, worse than that of foot and mouth and swine flu!
Imagine my dismay when I saw pictures of the beautiful Ben Affleck sporting bangs to rival that of the teeny bopper. He stepped out last week and fans and critics immediately made the overwhelming comparison.

I can now reveal that the dashing star has not followed in the footsteps of the annoying child, rather he has grown his hair for an upcoming movie role.
Sigh of relief everywhere, along with squeals of delight at the prospect of seeing Mr Affleck on our screens again soon (there are only so many times one can watch Dogma).
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