Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Years Resolutions every twenty something should make

It's that time of year again, the 'New Year, New Me' pictures of salads and gym gear are about to inundate your Instagram/Faceboom/ all other form of social media. Let's be realistic, if you haven't reached your goal weight, given up smoking or ditched the sugar by the time you've reached your mid twenties then you probably aren't going to do it now just because it's January again. So do us all a favour and stop clogging up our newsfeeds and instead make some of these simple, yet realistic changes:

See the world - I thought I had to have a career and I had to have it in my twenties so I've spent my life working for something I'm still working to achieve. I've realised later than I should have that the time to travel is whilst I'm still young enough to appreciate it. 

Stop self shaming - there are plenty of people more than willing to do it for you, don't agonise over things you can change.

Stop comparing yourself to others and their choices, at least if you listen to your instinct and it's wrong you can blame yourself and not resent others for it.

Follow your heart - your head can be too sensible, if there's a time to screw up, it's now. 

Visit a European City on your day off - be spontaneous, many cities can be reached within two hours and realistically you'd spend that time travelling around London anyway! 

Stop dieting - eat your vegetables, drink plenty of water and go for a run now and again.

Don't kill yourself if you don't go to the gym, you can always go tomorrow.

Don't sweat the small stuff - shit happens, life goes on.

Clear out your wardrobe - if you haven't worn it in a year then get rid, why add clutter where it isn't needed. 

Find your passion and follow it, it's a tale as old as time but life really is too short! 

Take a social media break - live in the moment not on the Internet 

Let go of the past - it's a cliche but it's in the past for a reason

Meet a guy on a night out - get rid of tinder, if you fancy a guy talk to him, what's the worst that can happen

Stop playing games- if you want to text a guy then just text him. Again, what's the worst that can happen?

Give blood. 

Splash out on new underwear - it will make you feel better, I promise.

Keep in touch with long distance friends that are still true friends and cut out one way friends. 

Monday, 8 December 2014

Christmas Gift Ideas

                                                                12 / 3 / 4 / 5

Buying gifts at Christmas can be tricky, even when you really know a person it can be so easy to get wrong. That said, I always think that it is best to give something personal and something that shows you have put a little thought into your choice, let’s face it, anyone can buy a perfume or gift card (the exception being for guys of course), buying clothes is usually a no go for most people and cosmetics and toiletries are always, in my opinion, a waste as a gift. Females usually know what products work best for them and you'll never really know exactly what she has in her glam box and therefore be at risk.

My sister once said to me that the key for gift giving lies in purchasing something your recipient will need but not necessarily buy for themselves. As a sort of tradition you can always guarantee that the two of us will always be unwrapping pyjamas from each other come the 25th, because, well who doesn't need an extra set! You'll find most girls will have some kind of list, whether they have told you or not, that said I’ve made one of my own of the things I’ll be most excited to receive come Christmas morning.